"DESCRIPTION 1"="A non-focused window undergoing update, flashes 3 times on the taskbar until clicked. To change the number of flashes, enter another number such as "5" [no quotes]."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="Entering a value of "0" [no quotes] will leave the taskbar button flashing until clicked."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="NOTICE: This plugin is operational ONLY when the value in the prior plugin 'Flash Taskbar 1' is set to Default [that is the Box must be checked]."
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
"COMMENT 1"="Tip and settings provided by Pierre Szwarc.
"COMMENT 2"="No WinME bug found by Jayendran JR [jayendran@gmx.net]"